I have always practiced methods of manifestation and yet realized that while the law of attraction was working seamlessly in my professional endeavors, I had some work to do in my personal life. The same “I see it, I work hard, I grind till I own it” mentality I have been applying for years to my career, I was consistently inconsistent with in my personal life. While before it could be blamed on my previous role as a management consultant and being here, there, and everywhere, starting business school this past year brought the imbalances between my professional and personal life to a head.
In the past year, I ended two budding romantic relationships prematurely (no regrets though, foh), became perhaps the worst texter/ ‘caller backer’ on the east coast, and for the first time in a long time I felt the urge to internally question some of my friendships both new and old. It was like Angela Bassett blowing up the car in Waiting to Exhale except I was Angela Bassett and the car was my personal life.
And I don’t know what was worse, me not keeping up with my personal life or the fact that it was done completely unintentionally. Purpose and intention are some of the most meaningful things to me. They are the core things I strive to detect in other people and as a result affect the way I move when it comes to x or y person. So when I realized I was acting without intention in my personal life, I knew I needed to make some changes.
And besides, me being someone who can’t even watch reruns without my stomach turning most definitely could not bear living my life unfulfilled by the same core personal life shit for another moment.
That’s why I knew in order to make any changes in my friendships, my family life, my love life, and overall personal life, I had to start with me- the person. Fast forward to now, when reflecting on what has made this the best summer of my adult life, it is because I focused on manifesting the unprofessional side of my life I wanted and knew I deserved.
The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. My intention to do the work needed started many months ago when I decided despite living in New York City, I would solely apply to summer media internship opportunities in Los Angeles. I secured where I would be living while still in the interview process and signed up for early bird turn-ups through Eventbrite before I had an offer letter in the mail. When I finalized where I would be working a month before the start date, I started making proclamations about what this summer would be like. Don’t get me wrong, I was very fearful and slightly doubtful about it all, but I asked out loud for what I wanted anyway.
Literally, from the very moment I landed at LAX, I’ve been on a nonstop blessing train. I’ve reconnected with old friends, made new ones, created unbelievable connections within the media industry, and been on life adventures I honestly can’t even begin to put into words. All without force.
I’ve poured so much love into myself this summer which gave me a renewed sense of urgency and determination to make all aspects of my personal life improve as well. I still have some work to do on my texting and calling habits, but I intend to do it J .
You manifest and maintain your personal joy by ACTING on your want for personal joy. You recognize you need it, you visualize it, you remind yourself what you can and will manifest, you purposefully act on it, and then you let life flow accordingly.
If you want to talk more about this and specifically plan ways to manifest the professional or personal desires in your own life (whatever those desires may be), simply reach out to me via email (helloakilah@gmail.com) with the phrase “I am ready to manifest my joy”. Looking forward to hearing from you.